1·His father Xiao Xianyu, 79 years old, stopped reaping lacquer to help his son graze cattle three years ago.
2·This could be achieved by changing the way we graze cattle and by adding more grazing animals in regions that currently have none, according to advocates Tony Lovell and Bruce Ward.
根据提倡者Tony Lovell和Bruce Ward所说,这个主意可以通过改变放牛的方式以及在无动物区增加放牧动物的方式实现。
3·Sheep and cattle graze on the hillsides.
4·There is good grassland here for your cattle and horses to graze on.
—— 《新英汉大辞典》
5·ON THE outskirts of Columbia, South Carolina's capital, lies a rolling swathe of farmland where cattle graze, tomatoes sprout and razor wire glints in the afternoon sun.
在南卡罗来纳州首府哥伦比亚的郊区,广袤沃野,延绵起伏。 牛儿在此吃草,西红柿含苞待放,带刺的篱网在午后的阳光下闪闪发光。
6·Why should cattle not graze near yew trees?
7·Or perhaps in some of the more distant mountain peaks, where the snows receded, crowning the peaks while leaving vast valleys free at last for the cattle that had survived the winter to graze upon.
8·Organic milk and beef come from cattle that graze on grass, while most conventional milk and beef come from cows subsisting on grain.
9·Cattle, sheep and horses graze leisurely.
10·Here a young herder outside the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, seeks shade in a tree while his cattle graze nearby.